Rihanna’sBantu knots inspired hairstyle is a great way of adding natural curls to your hair without using curling tongs…This hairstyle looks good with any hair length or texture, defines natural curly hair, resulting in polished curls…

Rihanna attended the 2014 iHeartRadio Music Awards...

Nicki Minaj opts for a simple natural hairstyle for the Grammy's (2015) contrast to her usual trademark styles, bold colours,straight to curly hairstyles....she samples a Tom Ford dress....

Tae Heckard samples her natural hair from curly,straight, bun, to the two French plait......

Janelle Monae Inspired hairstlye, she's always rocked her natural textured hair, here she samples her signature updo.... on the left ,her style's replicated in a brighter tone......

Alicia Keys sampled a simple no fuss rope ponytail was braided with extra human hairpieces to add the fullness and more volume..... the plait was wrapped around,into a dome shape & clipped in with bobby pins.....